Important information
Thank you for requesting to donate by credit card.
Please be sure to use the secure PayPal button below. You will be prompted for your phone number after you enter the dollar amount. Dollar amount must be entered in increments of $5 (example: $20 = 4 entries in your name, email, phone number). Entries are hand written and you will be contacted with your stub numbers via email.
If you would like to go direct to the page, and process through the button on their page, we will get a notification from that organization, and we will get you taken care of. If you are not comfortable doing it online, please contact [email protected] and we can direct you to a business location in town that can process your credit card in person.
Drawing will be held between 7-7:30pm Saturday, Nov 11th. Winner need not be present and it will be aired LIVE on facebook.
Donations are not refundable. Ticket sales will end on November 9th or until the online ticket reserve is sold out.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Please be sure to use the secure PayPal button below. You will be prompted for your phone number after you enter the dollar amount. Dollar amount must be entered in increments of $5 (example: $20 = 4 entries in your name, email, phone number). Entries are hand written and you will be contacted with your stub numbers via email.
If you would like to go direct to the page, and process through the button on their page, we will get a notification from that organization, and we will get you taken care of. If you are not comfortable doing it online, please contact [email protected] and we can direct you to a business location in town that can process your credit card in person.
Drawing will be held between 7-7:30pm Saturday, Nov 11th. Winner need not be present and it will be aired LIVE on facebook.
Donations are not refundable. Ticket sales will end on November 9th or until the online ticket reserve is sold out.
Please let us know if you have any questions.